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Buy CBD Topical Products
Pacific Roots topicals provide an easy method to deliver CBD topically to targeted areas. Transdermal patches and muscle cream can be placed almost anywhere on your skin to maximize the delivery of CBD to areas of discomfort. Or if you are looking for intimacy, try our line of CBD lubricants. All CBD used is carefully selected and third-party tested to ensure quality and purity. Soothe your skin and relax your muscles with our plant-based topical products.
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- Hypoallergenic
- CBD derived from USA organically grown hemp
- USDA Farm Bill compliant
- All natural hemp extract
- No added fillers
- Not Habit Forming
- Third-party tested for hemp compliance and purity
- Non-GMO
- Made in the USA
- CBDTQM certified, making our cannabidiol patches the highest quality on the market.
We provide several different hemp topicals to meet your needs.
A powerful 60mg CBD Patch that contains lidocaine. Our transdermal CBD patches are made with non-detectable THC (THC free).
Pacific Roots 500mg CBD Full Spectrum Muscle Cream is a perfect product for all ages needing muscle support, from athletes to the elderly. Our CBD cream comes in a 2 ounce black glass jar. Pacific Roots’ hemp muscle cream with CBD delivers a high dosage of full spectrum cannabidiol (CBD) along with other minor cannabinoids for optimal muscle comfort.
Pacific Roots Full Spectrum CBD Personal Lubricants are available in both oil-base and water-base options. We’ve formulated for use during intercourse and personal application, giving an extra layer of comfort. Pacific Roots’ CBD lubricant is made with whole-plant, full-spectrum CBD.
In the cases of patches and muscle cream, they are topical products used to provide a measured dose of CBD (cannabidiol) to your bloodstream. Cannabidiol patch and CBD cream topicals provide fast acting targeted CBD. The high concentration of CBD can be applied almost anywhere on your body to provide comfort.
These types of hemp CBD topicals work to provide CBD directly to the targeted areas where it works its way into the bloodstream. They are discreet for your everyday use.
CBD topicals are applied to the skin, which allow a penetration of the skin layers, getting the cannabidiol (CBD) to the bloodstream. According to Science Direct, “Transdermal drug delivery involves drug diffusion through distinct layers of the skin into systemic or blood circulation to provoke therapeutic effect”.
Full spectrum CBD topicals are also used in a pleasurable way! Why not add a little cannabidiol to you and your partner’s most intimate moments? Having discomfort in bed? Try CBD personal lubricant.
The CBD in topicals targets the affected area by working with the body’s endocannabinoid system. This system has a lot of different functions in the body, but works especially well in helping with bodily discomfort.
Topicals with CBD are a great and effective way to get CBD into the bloodstream. The bioavailability rate is greater topically than when looking at other forms of CBD like tinctures and edibles. When applying CBD topically, it doesn’t have to pass through the digestive system, which can reduce the amount of cannabidiol (CBD) the body actually gets. The CBD goes directly into the targeted areas of the body. A 2020 study in the Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Journal found the “transdermal application of CBD oil can achieve significant improvement in comfort and other disturbing sensations in patients”.
Topical use of CBD comes in different forms, but all have similar application suggestions. To get the most out of your CBD patch and CBD creams, Pacific Roots suggests you use the products on venous parts of your body where blood vessels and capillaries are close to the surface, underneath a thin layer of skin. However, apply the product as close to the painful area as possible. For CBD patches, some suggestions are: upper arms, shoulders, inside the wrists or ankles, lower back, behind the knee, and the back of your neck. CBD muscle cream can be applied directly over the area of discomfort. Do not use the CBD topically on broken skin. CBD transdermal patches and CBD muscle cream should not be used on your face.
CBD personal lubricant can be used on the genital area. When using latex avoid applying an oil-based CBD lube, instead go for a water-based CBD lubricant version.
Most consider CBD safe to use, however, according to a study published in 2017 some people may experience side effects, including fatigue, diarrhea, changes in appetite, and changes in weight.
Always consult your doctor to make sure cannabidiol (CBD) is safe for you. CBD has the possibility to interact with medications. You should get your primary care physician’s approval prior to using CBD if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
If you develop skin irritation, stop using the topicals immediately and consider speaking with a dermatologist to identify any potential allergens. CBD topicals should not be used on broken skin.
According to Oxford languages, Bioavailability is “the proportion of a drug or other substance which enters the circulation when introduced into the body and so is able to have an active effect.”
In other words, bioavailability is the measure of how easily the CBD can be absorbed into your system.
Topical cannabinoids like CBD patches, CBD creams, and CBD lube have a higher bioavailability rate than other more traditional methods of delivering CBD into the body like tinctures, because they utilize maximum absorption technology. Topical use of CBD in patches and creams allows the cannabidiol to bypass your digestive system allowing more CBD to be absorbed in the body.
CBD topicals like patches and creams deliver cannabidiol (CBD) right where it’s needed without having to go through digestive processes in the stomach, unlike CBD that’s consumed orally or through inhalation. This allows more of the compound to reach the bloodstream, which eventually makes its way to other parts of the body.
Our topical CBD products do not have the stereotypical smell associated with hemp and cannabis. Certain products could smell like their secondary ingredients like menthol or lemon. But be assured that you won’t get sideways stares when you enter a room.
Hemp-derived CBD products (at or less than 0.3 percent THC) are legal on the federal level via the USDA Farm Bill of 2014 and 2018, but are still illegal under some state laws. Check your state’s laws and those of anywhere you travel. Non-prescription CBD products are not FDA-approved.
Pacific Roots transdermal patches with CBD contain zero THC, and have been tested in third-party laboratories for potency and contaminants. See test results here.
Pacific Roots Muscle Cream with CBD contains at or less than 0.3% THC and has been tested in third-party laboratories for potency and contaminants. See test results here.
Pacific Roots personal lubricants with CBD contain at or less than 0.3% THC and have been tested in third-party laboratories for potency and contaminants. See test results here.
Overall, no, however, please check with the state you are located in. Each state has different rules. Generally the recommended age requirement for CBD use is 18 years of age. Some states do require you to be 21 years of age for some forms of hemp products, such as CBD smokables. Parents should consult with their physician before using CBD topicals on their children.
CBD applied topically is quick acting for body and muscle support. Overall CBD assists with discomfort, stress, and relaxation. Oral CBD products, like tinctures, assist with the body as a whole. Topical use of CBD provides targeted comfort on the places you need it the most.
You need to find a trusted CBD manufacturing company. A company that focuses on quality and transparency is key to finding a CBD topical that will be effective. Two main quality items to keep an eye open for are COAs and a medical director.
A COA or certificate of analysis is a test that can show CBD potency and sometimes purity. A quality manufacturer will have two rounds of COA testing. The first round should be a third-party test of the raw CBD oil. This first test should analyze the purity of the oil, from pesticides to residual solvents. The second test is another third-party test on the finished product that should be easily accessible to the user. This second test looks at the potency of the CBD topical making sure it is in compliance with the USDA Farm Bill.
Having a medical director on staff is essential when manufacturing CBD products for human use. Cannabidiol has a large effect on human bodily systems. Once CBD enters the body it passes through the bloodstream and interacts with the endocannabinoid system. The medical director will have direct knowledge of the human body and the endocannabinoid system, and help to an extent in formulating the correct CBD dosage and product formulation.
A final note. There are other quality markers to look at that all CBD manufacturing companies should follow such as: no added fillers, organically grown hemp, non-GMO, licensed hemp manufacturer in their state (you should be able to ask and see their hemp permit), and product liability insurance. Unfortunately, there is a big gap in the market for quality CBD topicals. Pacific Roots CBD topicals have the highest quality control on the market to ensure product safety, called the CBDTQM guidelines.
Cannabidol (CBD) has a different effect on everyone. It is not a one size fits all substance. A common reaction of using CBD is a relaxing feeling, whether it is physical or mental. Our CBD topicals should not give you a psychoactive “high” feeling. This is because Pacific Roots only manufactures using hemp derived CBD, at or less than 0.3% THC. THC is the component in marijuana which gives the high feeling. Because Pacific Roots topicals are made with at or less than 0.3% THC, there is not enough THC to get you high.
Wellness is a lifestyle. We have Roots in the Pacific and a global vision for well living. Call it a lifestyle, a culture, or spirit – from exercise to nutrition, the Pacific Coast has a long history of Wellness. We can deliver that mojo with the best hemp products in the world.
Everything we make, everything we do, is with you in mind. The Golden Rule drives our business priorities and policies and we don’t take your wellness lightly. Our products are created with the finest ingredients and produced with extreme care to make sure that their purity, potency and effectiveness are what you would expect. We back that up with third-party testing and product guarantees! We operate under the highest standards of quality in the industry.
Pacific Roots keeps it simple and pure.
Our CBD muscle cream and CBD transdermal patches both provide fast acting, soothing, targeted CBD to your sore muscles and joints. The high concentration of CBD can be applied almost anywhere on your body that is needing comfort.
Pacific Roots’ CBD muscle cream is rubbed into the skin where it is needed most.
Pacific Roots’ CBD transdermal patches are adhered to the skin, so their positioning is slightly more limiting but designed to ease discomfort.
CBD personal lube is a way to help your muscle relax during sex.
Pacific Roots delivers daily soothing care with CBD topical products.
Simply put, plant based cannabinoids are cannabinoids that come from plants. Per the Oxford languages dictionary, a cannabinoid is “any of a group of closely related compounds which include cannabinol and the active constituents of cannabis”.
Cannabinoids are naturally occurring organic compounds in nature found in both plants and animals, including humans. Humans naturally produce cannabinoids and play an active role in regulating the inflammation process.
For those with sensitive skin, Pacific Roots recommends you try topical products with CBD on a small test portion to see if your skin reacts negatively.
If you’re testing CBD muscle cream, we suggest you rub a small amount into your skin. Leave it on for 24 hours to see if you’ve had any adverse reactions. You can do the same with the CBD transdermal patches. Simply cut off a small portion of the patch and place it on your skin for testing, again leaving it on for 24 hours. A commonly used skin test spot is on the inside of your forearm.
The Pacific Roots topical CBD products are made with skin friendly ingredients. Please see the ingredients lists if you have known allergies.
Pacific Roots never tests any of its products on animals. Unless you count my nephew as an animal. Then yes, yes we do.
Pacific Roots topical products that are vegan: CBD Muscle Cream and CBD Personal Lubricants.
Pacific Roots uses CBD derived from US grown hemp. Our CBD Hemp is derived using a proprietary state of the art extraction process. The final stages of the hemp extraction leaves pure full spectrum CBD distillate oil or CBD isolate used in our hemp CBD products. All CBD oil that is used is carefully selected and third-party tested to ensure quality and purity.
- Made in the USA from organically grown USA Hemp
- Sustainably Farmed
- Non-GMO
- 3rd Party Tested
- Compliant levels of THC at or below 0.3%THC
Apply CBD muscle cream generously to the affected area. Massage the cream into the skin until thoroughly absorbed. Repeat this process as necessary, but no more than four times per day. Not intended for children without consulting a healthcare professional. This product is for external use only. Do not bandage or use the product with a heating pad. Avoid eye contact. Do not apply to the face, open wounds or damaged skin. If adverse reactions occur, discontinue use and contact your primary care physician.
Pacific Roots’ CBD topicals are meant to go directly on the skin. Depending on the product, some can go on the face and genitals while others should avoid these areas. Please refer to the product information for proper use of each topical.
Each CBD topical is different and has its own smell. Most of the scents are pleasant and relaxing.
Most consider CBD safe to use, however, according to a study published in 2017 some people may experience side effects, including fatigue, diarrhea, changes in appetite, and changes in weight.
Always consult your doctor to make sure cannabidiol (CBD) is safe for you. CBD can interact with prescription medications. You should always get your primary care physician’s approval when used/taken if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. If you develop skin irritation, stop using CBD topicals immediately and consider speaking with a dermatologist to identify any potential allergens. CBD topicals should not be used on broken skin.
While we are using the strongest, yet most sensitive adhesive on the market for our patches, on rare occasions users have had adverse reactions to the adhesive. If you are sensitive to adhesives, please cut off a small part of the patch and test before applying on a larger area.
For the most part you can use CBD topicals as often as you need the comfort. The usage guidelines on the products are only suggestions.
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